Seligo Artisanal Pasta
What we want you to know
Sustainably Crafted in Sicily
"Back-to-the-Origin Food"
To celebrate your everyday life.
2 Raw Ingredients
1. 100% Organic SICILIAN Heirloom/Native Wheat, including the natural wheat germ.
2. Spring Mineral Water from Sicilian Mountains (Nebrodi).
Wheat germ. : the embryo of the wheat kernel. Rich source of vitamins and protein.
Our Sicilian Heirloom Wheat Explained
This pasta is made artisanally with stone ground flour from Sicilian native wheat. Sicilian native wheat varieties were grown before the GMO revolution, when farmers were growing crops with NON-GMO seeds and no CHEMICALS, respecting the natural cycles in the most sustainable way.

Why our pasta is different and not just another pasta?
Sicilian Native Grains have weaker gluten composition, which results in a high digestibility and prevents gluten intolerances.
They do NOT need any chemicals to grow and ripe. The reason is simple. They belong to the biodiversity of Sicily, and therefore, they can coexist with weeds and defend themself naturally from diseases. The Sicilian sun and warm climate do the rest.
This traditional and old technique helps us to get a wholesome product preserving the wheat germ and all the flavors and nutrients that come with it. The aromas and taste are persistent and remind of Sicilian wild artichokes and wild tomatoes, with a pleasant nutty aftertaste.
Curious to know more? Keep reading.
The Main ingredient is Sicily
and the harmony of its ecosystem.
Generally, native grains do NOT need PESTICIDES, CHEMICALS, and GLYPHOSATE to grow and ripe. The reason is simple. They belong to the biodiversity of Sicily, and therefore they can coexist and defend themselves naturally from weeds. The Sicilian sun does the rest providing the wheat with a high temperature to ripen naturally and transforming the solar energy into nourishment. Moreover, in order to follow a fully sustainable cycle, each year, the fields are nourished with soil-regenerative crops (fava-beans) to maintain the soil healthy and naturally productive. Regenerative farming is the most sustainable and conscious way to grow food, and it has been a common practice in Sicily for millennia.

A Wholesome Product
What is it different from regular Pasta?
Regular Pasta, the one made with modern GMO wheat varieties, is an empty shell with no significant nutrients and a neutral taste. Our pasta will project your senses to the Sicilian countryside, where countless varieties of aromatic weeds grow on the hills near the Mediterranean Sea.
The Wheat Germ
You may not know that wheat germ is rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. This outstanding source of nutrients is removed by default during industrial milling processing. Why? It's easier to make pasta with refined flour. It takes less effort, and it's more profitable.
What's Going On With Gluten?
Modern wheat varieties were genetically modified by radiation during 1950-60. The result is wheat with a stronger chemical composition of their GLUTEN. This is great for the food industry, perfect for industrial machines that need a more elastic dough to work properly, but it is completely wrong for our body which will suffer more to digest and eventually may develop an intolerance.
The Ancient tradition of the Stone Milling
Preserving Wheat Germ and nutrients thanks to a cold and gentle grinding.

STONE GROUND means the kernels are crushed between rotating stones.
SIFTING removes the larger bran, but the germ remains, and it is crushed to release its oils, nutrients, and flavor.
The ancient and traditional COLD-MILLING technique keeps milling temperatures below the raw threshold to preserve the nutrients (vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants).

Still with us? You are getting to know even more.

What is wrong with mass production of crops.
Mycotoxins are a waste product of some microscopic fungi that develop in particular conditions.
Many fungal species (Aspergillum, Fusarium, Penicillum) after having grown on food substrates, have the ability to produce toxic substances called Mycotoxins as secondary metabolites.
Almost all raw materials of plant origin are susceptible to contamination by mycotoxins; this can take place in the field, in the cultivation and harvest phases, in the warehouse and in the various transformation phases of the food industries, as well as in transport. Contaminations are very frequently found in cereals, coffee and cocoa, nuts and oil seeds.
Mycotoxins can easily be found in feed and food, such as baked goods, flaked cereals, beer, wine and spirits, juices, meats and eggs, milk, cheeses. All of this is due to the fact that these secondary metabolics are chemically stable molecules capable of resisting heat treatments and transformation and cooking processes.
Mycotoxins constitute a numerous group of chemically different compounds, capable of causing a toxic reaction whenever they are ingested by humans and animals, causing the onset of chronic or acute mycotoxicosis.
The particular Sicilian climatic conditions (low rainfall, high spring temperatures) generally greatly reduce the possibility of attacks on the ear. In fact, in a dry environment, infection often leads to the drying of the plant which has sterile spikes, thus causing production decreases rather than contamination by fungal spores. The grain of durum wheat produced in the particular Sicilian pedoclimatic environment is therefore preserved from the risk of fungal attacks and the consequent development of mycotoxins.
Quick History
If you want to understand what happened
Natural Genetic Selection
Over the centuries, the farmer chose the best ears by manually carrying out a genetic improvement action. The adaptation of crops to the environment led to further natural selection.
Therefore the varieties cultivated were the most resistant and the most suitable for the environment, resistant to parasites, fungi, and diseases.
The GMO Selection
occurred between the 1950 and late 1960s. It is the set of research technology transfer initiatives that increased agricultural production worldwide. The initiatives resulted in the adoption of new technologies, including GMO varieties of cereals. It was associated with chemical fertilizers, agrochemicals, and controlled water-supply, and newer methods of cultivation.

GMO Wheat
In 1974, a mutant variety of grain, called Creso was officially approved. It was developed by hybridization with mutant CP B144 (mutant of Senatore Cappelli Grain obtained by irradiation by 200 Gy of x-rays). Main improved attributes of mutant variety are resistance to lodging, high yield, resistance to leaf rust, grain quality, and test weight.